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Drone Didi Scheme Transforms Chhattisgarh: Women Turn Lakhpati

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Lakhpati Didi Drone Didi scheme is proving to be successful in Chhattisgarh. Through this scheme, women of the state are becoming Lakhpati Didi.

Drone Didi Scheme

Drone Didi Scheme

The central government started training the women of India in drone technology under the Lakhpati Didi Yojana. The effect of this scheme is being seen in a great way in Chhattisgarh. Here women farmers have done wonders in farming with the help of drone technology in their fields. 4.95 lakh women of the state are working through Lakhpati Didi Yojana and National Rural Livelihood Mission. Most of these women earn an income of Rs 1 lakh annually. Most of them belong to the vulnerable tribal group (PVTG) group.

Success of Drone Didi Yojana in the first year

In its first year itself, the success graph of Drone Didi Yojana is continuously increasing. Women are becoming self-reliant under Drone Didi and National Rural Livelihood Mission. Since the launch of Drone Didi Yojana, 15 beneficiary women have earned an income of Rs 1 lakh in a year from December 2023 till now. Under this scheme, farmers take the help of drone didis to spray nano fertilizers and pesticides on their crops. Women are earning extra income between Rs 300 and Rs 500 per acre by providing drone services to other farmers. Agricultural profit margins are also being obtained in this.

Drone Spraying

Drone Didi Scheme

Drone spraying protects our crops. Crop yield also increases. It has increased by about 15 percent. Earlier it used to take five days to spray pesticides in 10 acres. Now this work is completed in one day. Time is also saved through this. The crop is being saved from pests and diseases, this is also improving the yield. We are getting a lot of benefit from this. – Farmer, from Durg

The services of drone didis are very important for spraying pesticides on crops. There is a lot of demand for them and advance booking is required for this. I have seen an increase in my yield since using the drone fertilizer process. Last year, 24 quintals of paddy was produced in every acre. This year 30 quintals of paddy has been produced in every acre – Farmer, from Durg.

Women benefit from Drone Didi Yojana

Drone Didi chattisgarh

Women are also benefiting from the Drone Didi scheme. Women are becoming economically empowered. Chandrakali Verma of Nagpura village in Raipur has also benefited from this scheme. She has earned an income of about one lakh rupees after covering the cost of her co-pilot. Jagriti Sahu, another female beneficiary from Durg, is also earning income under this scheme. Talking to the media, she said that she has earned one lakh rupees annually by serving as a Drone Didi in 500 acres of land area. She has praised this technology.

How effective is drone spraying technology: According to agriculture experts, drone spraying technology is capable of spraying up to 10 liters per acre. It reduces the chemical effect in the soil i.e. its emission. The drone sprays urea in a thin form. Which benefits the crops and does not harm the environment. Apart from small crops, drone technology has also played an important role in the production of long crops like sugarcane, sorghum and millet. Not much labor is also required for spraying fertilizer. Which saves the cost of labor.


National Rural Livelihood Mission officials praise this scheme very much. Drone Didi Yojana and other livelihood schemes are beneficial for women. He said that this technology helps women to improve their livelihood. Under this scheme, Chhattisgarh had set a target of making 8.48 lakh rural women Lakhpati Didi in two years. In which 4.95 women have already become lakhpati by the year 2023. The rest of the target will be achieved between the years 2024-26.

Through drone operation, natural farming training and livestock management, we are making women Lakhpati Didi. Women farmers and women are succeeding in this. Lakhpati Didi Yojana is an example of how technology and community empowerment can transform rural economies. A bright future is being created for women in Chhattisgarh through this. There are 368 women in the special category Lakhpati Didi group. Women of PVTG group are also getting strengthened by this. – Vishnudev Sai, CM, Chhattisgarh

The picture is changing with Lakhpati Didi Yojana

Officers of National Rural Livelihood Mission have given more information about this. A target was set to connect 52,899 PVTG families through Lakhpati Didi Yojana. Through which a total of 34,749 families have joined it in 80 development blocks of 22 districts of Chhattisgarh. All of them are part of self-help groups (SHGs). Lakhs of women of Chhattisgarh are benefiting from this.

Drone Didi Scheme Transforms Chhattisgarh: Women Turn Lakhpati

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