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World Environment Day!

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World Environment Day-

World Environment Day(WED) is celebrated on 5th June in all the countries of the world. On this day all the people around the world are made aware of the environment. And all the people plant trees in their homes and offices. Apart from this, they also take a pledge to keep the roads and river drains clean. To create environmental awareness among the people. Various programs are organized on this day to make people aware of the environment through social media and social functions. So that people can get complete information about it.


It began in 1972 at the World Environment Conference organized by the United Nations General Assembly from June 5 to June 16. The first World Environment Day was celebrated on 5 June 1973.

WED Theme-

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It has a theme every year. This year the theme of June 5, 2022, is “Only One Earth – Liveable in Harmony with Nature”. The focus is on the theme “Only One Earth – Living Permanently in Harmony with Nature”.

What is environment-

The word environment is made up of climate, cleanliness, pollution, trees, plants, etc. and all these things are related to humans. The environment is directly related to our daily life. And it affects us too.

Humans and the environment are dependent on each other. Environment such as climate pollution or lack of trees has a direct impact on the human body and health. Human good habits like saving trees, preventing climate pollution, and keeping cleanliness also affect the environment. Bad habits of human beings like contaminating water, wasting water, cutting trees in excessive amounts, etc. badly affect the environment. Due to this later humans have to face natural calamities. All the actions performed by humans affect the environment directly and indirectly.

Environmental problems such as pollution, climate change, etc. motivate human beings to rethink their lifestyle. And now the need for environmental protection and environmental management is important. The most important thing today is to make the general public aware of the issue of the environmental crisis. Therefore it is said that-

“Do not destroy trees or plants, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble in breathing.”

Earth is like our home and we should try to keep it clean and green. On World Environment Day, let’s promise to make the earth a better place to live in.

“Our happiness is hidden in the greenery of trees and plants.”

“Come make this earth a paradise again today,

From today we plant two to four saplings every day.”

“Let’s make this earth habitable

Let us all together celebrate World Environment Day.”

World Environment Day!

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